Details of the Robot Solving Rubik’s Cube in 0.38 Seconds

When future generations look back on 2018 what will they remember? Not much, I suspect, except for this amazing robot that can solve a Rubik’s cube in 0.38 seconds. The video, above, shows the cube in an unsolved position and then the actuators jump into action, slamming squares into place like some kind of crazed version of Will Smith’s character in The Pursuit of Happiness. A robot build by Ben Katz and software developer Jared Di Carlo,  accomplished the feat in a blazing 0.38 seconds, though it isn’t an official record at this point. How does the Robot work? According to the personal blog of Di Carlo; “Recently, Ben Katz and I collaborated on a Rubik’s Cube solving robot to try to beat the world record time of 0.637 seconds, set by some engineers at Infineon.  We noticed that all of the fast Rubik’s Cube solvers were using stepper motors, and thought that we could do better if we used better motors. ” The solve time of 0.38 seconds includes acquiring the image from the webcam, detecting colors, finding a solution, and actually rotating the faces of the cube. In the video, the machine is solving a “YJ Yulong Smooth Sitckerless Speed Cube Puzzle”, available … Continue reading Details of the Robot Solving Rubik’s Cube in 0.38 Seconds